Everywhere you look, it seems things are different from just a few weeks ago. New economic realities, new president-elect, and soon a new year. It seems only fitting that Valora is changing, too.
The new Valora takes a decidedly different approach to document processing, namely: why are we doing this and what’s our client’s goal? We specifically try not to process any documents we don’t have to!
It’s a pretty revolutionary idea, and one that is not typically embraced by vendors accustomed to getting paid per document, per page or per GB. But the new economics demand it and new technologies finally make it possible.
We’re embracing the new way of doing business by using some sophisticated analytical capabilities that we’ve built and amassed over the years. Our tools tell us exactly what is inside paper and electronic document populations before we even begin with further conversion. It’s a bit like knowing exactly what’s wrong with you before you visit the doctor, reducing your visit cost to $10, instead of several $100!
I invite you explore the new Valora and learn for yourself how document analysis technologies are changing the face of paper and electronic discovery as we know it. Check out our Resource Center, White Papers, and of course check back here on our blog. We hope to keep you updated regularly with thoughts, dreams and realities of interest to all of you.
Here’s to the future and all that it may bring!